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I live in Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, Indonesia. At the end of November 2008 ago, Google Adsense has received me to become a publisher in Google Adsense. If there some body has become a new publisher in Google Adsense, I hope to joint me here. I really like to make a friendship with every publisher or Blogger in this world. I don't know how to become a publisher in Google Adsense. I just write and write and than sent application for register in Google adsense, and Google Adsense have said Congratulation for me. But really I don't know much about the Internet. I have a Gmail since January 2008, have a Blog since April 2008. Because I only have a little bit knowledge about Internet, that's why I wrote this page. I believe so many Blogger is like me. I have been become a Publisher but I really feel difficult to continue the all. Including to make channel, to copy Adsense Code. Now I still study about it. Cause without Code Adsense, we will get nothing. So because this case, I write my problem in this page. I believe many people can share experience each other. Maybe I know more than you. Maybe You know more than me. That's why I hope every body who want to joint with me to reach profit, please type your comment below, so that we teach each other. Please type your opinion below this page. We make an organisation of a new publisher in this word. Who ever you are, wherever you are, I believe we can change information each other. Even you are in Medan, Jakarta, Luman Dolok, New York, Kansas, Alaska, Alexandria, Russia, Mecca, Medina, Kuala Lumpur, Bismark, Berlin, Bonn, New Delhi, Los Angles, Hanoi, Hirosima, Port Moresby, Johannesburg, Singapore, London, Paris, Virginia, Lisbon, Ottawa, Surabaya, Melaka, Pineng, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, and all of the city in this world. I hope this Website will become the Union of new publisher of Google Adsense. Hope the success publisher too, to become a teacher. This Union will be Globally. I believe we will able to help each other. Please joint Adsense as globally. I am a business man in my country. Maybe if we make a friendship, we don't only joint in Google Adsense. We can joint in another case. Thank you for your visiting. I hope we can get money later, we can get more profit later, we can get Dinar, Dollar and the else. We will more strong to face every case, if we face together. I am sorry, I forget to say my name. I am Ashar Tanjung, Iife in Panyabungan. It is about 50 Kms from Medan, or about 2000 Kms from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Hope we will help each other in Google Adsense. One more time, Thank you very much.

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